New York City

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  In September, the kids and I visited New York City. It was a trip I had planned for a few years. During the stay, we visited the Rockefeller Center Observation Deck.

Right before they take you to the elevator to the top, they explain the history of the building and John D. Rockefeller, who built it. I was shocked that when Rockefeller built the skyscraper in the 1930s, only one business had signed on to rent due to the great depression.

He built a HUGE skyscraper without knowing if he could fill up the building.

Some companies and entrepreneurs would quit or give up with numbers like that. But, yes, John D Rockefeller was extremely wealthy.

He must have had a huge "if you build it (the building), they will come" moment.

Imagine all of the businesses and the fun at the ice skating rink that would have never happened if he had gotten scared and said, "I don't want to do it because I only have one renter."

Sometimes you have to build your dream when you don't see it. When you don't see the sales or people saying yes, sometimes you must do a hail Mary that it will all work out.

Sometimes you have to build a business that is begging you to create.

You have to build your business as Rockefeller did. Have a CRAZY AMOUNT of trust that something unique is going to happen!

Even if you have faith that is 1/100 or 1/300 the size of a skyscraper. Or better yet, the size of a real skyscraper, you can achieve and succeed at anything!!

Ready to follow your inner nudges and have faith? Kitsy's Follow Your Bliss Workshop can help!


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