Empower and Soar
Courtyard Marriott, Waterfront
Saturday, March 16th from 10:00am-4:00pm
In-person or virtual tickets available
Light breakfast and lunch provided
Are you ready to have
1. More peace in your life?
2. A better relationship with money?
3. A life of your dreams?
In this one day retreat Kitsy will help you pivot your life to the life you have been dreaming of. She will help you manifest the life of your dreams so you can be authentic and truly happy! We are having a large shift in the world and the information she will be discussing will be about how to work with those shifts, create your dream life with those shifts, and make your desires real with these shifts!
This retreat is empowering you to see the power that you already have so you can soar through life!
There is more to life than this, if you have been feeling that there is something you are meant to be learning, or there are secrets that you know you are meant to be learning this is for you!
There will be 2 payment options for this retreat. In person (which includes light breakfast, lunch & a gift) or virtual (you can watch at anytime, video will be send 2 weeks from the retreat).
Limited tickets for virtual and in-person.
Early bird discount on in-person ticket till 9/1 - save $50 with promo code soar50
Doors open at 9:30am
Has someone you loved passed on? This is for you.. 5 Signs Your Deceased Loved One Is Trying to Communicate With You! You know it’s happening…and people think you’re crazy? You’re not! Download this free report and learn about the 5 most common ways our departed loved ones try to reach out from beyond!!
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